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Monthly Archives: September 2023

Yesterday’s meeting topic was “What is your Higher Power?” When I got sober, I had let go of the religion of my youth and felt “on my own” with my problems.

Someone suggested just starting my search for a new Higher Power with anything that gave me a sense of awe and peace. “Mountains,” I thought…“being on top of Old Rag Mountain.” Even alone on top of a mountain, I felt close to sun, sky, and clouds and saw the apple blossoms in the valleys below and ridges of further mountain ranges in the west.

“And the ocean!” I feel right-sized there too and part of something far greater than myself and my little complaints.”

“Whatever works for you,” my friend said. “Immerse yourself it it!”

Pat woke me at 5:30 to journal and have a cup of coffee before one of those slow-motion, triple sunrises amidst clouds that made those Higher Powers feel very present.